21 outubro 2018



There are so many fears to be faced, so many projects to be taken from the paper, so many dreams to be fulfilled, so many battles to overcome, but we stand still, waiting for time to solve everything for us, waiting to rain from the sky to water the seed that we stopped planting. 

 Our victories, achievements and goals are at our fingertips, but we must go against them. We need to get out of our comfort zone, get out of the bubble that envelops us and holds us, stop looking at our feet and start looking at the horizon. As long as we do not change the way, we will continue to arrive at the same place. 

Firstly, it is necessary to know where you want to go, so that you can trace the best route to your goal, remembering that it will not always be so fast, so easy and much less there will be only flowers on the way, but the thorns of the journey are better than see the scabs born in his body by always remaining in the same place. 

Cross the bridge that bothers you, have the courage to make a mistake and get it right, do not be afraid to fall, be afraid of not wanting to get up. You can go much further than you imagine, contemplate the path and help those who meet along the way, better two than one, because when one falls, there will always be another to rise. 

Always keep in mind that the greatest difficulty you will face in any walk is to break the barriers of the mind, untie the chains of fear, overcome the limits of your comfort zone and take the first step, after which there is no one to hold you. 

Writer Walter Júnior

||| Conheça meus livros |||

1- A Cidade da Lua: https://goo.gl/1wjvge
2- Monday: https://goo.gl/KbLs3s
3- O Menino Sem Coração: https://goo.gl/XFgwgS
4- Argay: https://goo.gl/ySxtmW
5- Coletânea 100 frases inéditas: https://goo.gl/SoQm5D
6- The City of the Moon: When an angel needs our help ... (English Edition): https://goo.gl/BY4ez9

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